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Your Purpose Begins With Us

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Our Services

Resume Development

When we consult with you and look at your current resume we can help you make revisions to make it more appealing to the employer visually and content wise by highlighting the employers hiring needs, and your personal attributes. If you don't have a resume we will work with you to create one.


Price: 30$-50$

(Price varies on situation)

Career/Job finding 

By looking into your interest in certain fields and combine them with your skill set, we try and find a job or career that best fits you.


Price: 25$-40$

(Price varies on situation)

Preparation For Interview 

The final step in getting any job or career is the interview process. What we do to prepare you is to practice the questions you may be asked, along with preparing you on small things such as body language, building relationship hiring manager, etc. All to ensure that you get the job or career.


Price: 20$-40$

(Price varies on situation)



One on One

Consulting Package

By consulting with us one on one we can gather information to translate it into creating or developing your resume. Along with gaining a feel for your interest, and goals so we can find a job or career that best suits you. This is the full package that includes all of  are services.


Price: 75$-100$

(Price varies on situation)


Message From Our Founder

Devin Hampton

Founder of Your Purpose Consulting 

"I founded Your Purpose for people that feel lost and with no purpose, to find their purpose and to find it and thrive from it. I want people to truly enjoy whatever they are doing and to truly be passionate about it. Over time Your Purpose has developed to not only just finding people's purpose but to help people in every avenue in finding their purpose. With resume writing and development, job and career finding, and preparation for a job interview, we do everything in our power to make sure you get whatever job or career you seek. By finding the career or job that you seek you're not just getting a source of income but instead your why- the reason why wake up in the morning".

“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?”

Henry Ford

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